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05.22.08, 11:09 AM Newborn
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Anyone else have Dr. Chelsea Ban or one of the other OBs at the East 71st Street office? Do you find that there is some discord between the doctors/office staff? I feel like there is some tension against Dr. Ban. I have had some issues with the office staff not doing things properly, being told that Dr. Chouy would be at 71st street office when she does not see patients there, LPN consistently reading my chart incorrectly and giving me the wrong due dates, staying on hold forever just to speak with someone who clearly does not want to answer the phone and then transfers you to someone who says she is the nurse but does nothing more than curtly take a message and say the doctor will get back to you and they don't. I spoke with one of the office staff and she hinted that there is something unpleasant going on and that she was sorry that it has actually affected me. I want to leave but I'm having problems finding someone who will take me at this late stage. Does anyone else feel this way? [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
Newborn 05.22.08, 11:09 AM Flag

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