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04.14.07, 19:58 PM Chicago
19 replies
what is this hubbub about drummond adding an extra montessori 3-5yo classroom without consulting anyone? for the kids of "Friends of Drummond" or something? [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
Chicago 04.14.07, 07:58 PM Flag

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as i understand, they are not adding an extra classroom. However, it was not for Friends of Drummond kids, it was because the lottery did not follow the stated % of kids within the neighborhood boundaries. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.07, 11:53 AM Flag
so they were out of compliance with the promixity lottery? Shouldn't they have to redo the entire lottery then? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.07, 11:56 AM Flag
that's my understanding of the situation - they didn't meet the proximity %. (I live in the neighborhood, but my child does not go there/we didn't apply, so I don't know the entire story). I don't think they could re-do the lottery (unfair to those admitted), so the new class was suggested. I heard the decision was not to add the class. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.07, 11:59 AM Flag
Well, we also live within the proximity boundaries, but we did apply and were flat out rejected, not even waitlisted. I am curious how they are going to rectify the situation, as the waitlist contains both neighborhood and non-neighborhood kids. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.07, 12:04 PM Flag
^^^actually after reading this article, it kinda makes me glad that I didn't get in. Talking about possibly a second lottery or federal courts decided who ends up getting admitted. Happy to steer clear of that mess! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.07, 12:10 PM Flag
I haven't heard what they plan to do. I did hear the meeting on Wednesday night was very heated. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.07, 12:11 PM Flag
It will be an interesting story to follow, for sure. The results will probably have larger implications for these "magnet cluster" schools city wide (the ones with the proximity lotteries). [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.07, 12:17 PM Flag
That's not possible. EVERY applicant gets a waitlist number. It may be ridiculously high but EVERY applicant gets one unless they screwed up your application and left that school off your list. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 02.04.15, 04:26 AM Flag
ita. I saw that article in the Chicago Journal....did the president of FOD's kid not get in, or something? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.07, 11:55 AM Flag
Is that the Bucktown/Wicker Park paper? What did the article say? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.07, 12:00 PM Flag
This is B.S.! I live in the neighborhood, but I don't feel it's right to add the extra classroom (and I was waitlisted). The $$$ to start the montessori in the first place came from a federal grant, so I think it's completely unfair to allow this man lation by that Friends of Drummond group. I know many of them, and have to say: loons! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.07, 03:53 PM Flag
The principal is an idiot for not letting in the most active families. Ted Matlak is desperate about losing his job Tuesday and is doing whatever he can to get votes. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.07, 05:04 PM Flag
ITA! You really have to wonder why she didn't. Perhaps she agrees with the poster above you....loons. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.07, 06:08 PM Flag
Because CPS has strict oversight on this sort of thing now. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 02.04.15, 04:27 AM Flag
That is NOT how lotteries are supposed to work, so the principal is right. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.07, 06:08 PM Flag
My son got in. I am declinging. I did not hear about this happening. So one spot has opened up. We also received our letter last week. A little late huh? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.07, 07:09 PM Flag
Just curious....do you live in the nabe? Maybe you got one of the new spots, hence the late letter? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.07, 07:14 PM Flag
I won't be specific, but I know a LP family who is using a friend's address so their kids can go to Drummond. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.12.13, 10:49 PM Flag
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