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07.04.20, 00:02 AM General Topics
1 replies
I was just talking to DH and he made a comment about our kids going to an ivy league school one day, kids are 7 and 9 and my DH is from Europe and has no clue how things work in the US in terms of school admissions. I said - if that's what you want, you/we/they need to start working on their hooks - there are millions of smart, well rounded kids that could fill these schools 10x over, but they need a hook. I asked him, you know where I learned that?! He said: Urban Baby. And it's true! I've learned so much from people here about what's needed for school admissions (among so many other things). Seriously, where will I ask these types of questions? Youbemom doesn't seem like they're so into NYC school discussions or even college. [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 07.04.20, 12:02 AM Flag

Dear UrbanBaby community,

Thank you so much for being a valued member of the UrbanBaby community. We wanted to inform you that we are shutting down the site on July 6th. We are grateful for your participation and support that has helped make UrbanBaby such an important resource to parents for many years.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email us at urbanbaby-support@cbsinteractive.com.

Thanks so much,

UrbanBaby Support

“Work on your hook.” Lol. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 07.04.20, 12:55 AM Flag
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