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07.02.20, 14:10 PM General Topics
5 replies
At what point is it the norm to use a laptop in class for school works and notetaking? My 2nd grader doesn't have the easiest time with handwriting writing (though an OT evaluation put him in the "just average" category). He'll continue to work/practice, but wondering at what point this becomes less important. Thanks! [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 07.02.20, 02:10 PM Flag

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not trying to sound mean but why would a 2nd grader be taking notes and why would they need a laptop? my DS is in 10th grade and doesnt use a laptop in school for anything beyond slacking off. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 07.02.20, 02:16 PM Flag
OP: Great question, he doesn't at all...I was just wondering at what point laptop for notes might become the norm (vs. a notebook). If it was middle/high school or not at all [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 07.02.20, 05:28 PM Flag
My 8th grader does 100% of in-class work and about 50% of homework by hand. 5th grader does 95% of work by hand. Practice the handwriting. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 07.02.20, 02:17 PM Flag
Private, right? Puts me in mind of about a decade or so ago, when a private UES school distributed tablets and the kids became mugging targets. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 07.02.20, 02:18 PM Flag
I could see using it to turn in more legible homework, but be careful on the notetaking. There have been studies on college students that people retain more info when taking notes on paper vs a computer. I [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 07.03.20, 12:54 AM Flag
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