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07.02.20, 02:42 AM General Topics
8 replies
Is there such a thing as a late bloomer for math? I'll often hear people talk about kids who were slightly behind with reading and then once it clicked they were at/ahead of grade level. DS (finishing 2nd grade) has been needing an extra boost for math, and though I am aware this could be a LD something bigger, also wondering if this could just be needing time for certain math facts/concepts to click. (Note: his teacher didn't seem too concerned, felt he should do work over summer) [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 07.02.20, 02:42 AM Flag

Dear UrbanBaby community,

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It comes easy to some and they love it. The other 75-80 percent of us can learn with effort and the right teacher. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 07.02.20, 03:12 AM Flag
I would say yes. DS thought he was terrible at math, math homework was painful for all of us, and then in 5th grade he had an amazing math teacher and it all just clicked. Just graduated HS as captain of the math team. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 07.02.20, 04:21 AM Flag
This. Sometimes just being taught to look at it differently can make all the difference. Or connecting with the math teacher can inspire the child. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 07.02.20, 12:37 PM Flag
If he puts in the effort he will improve. It won’t happen on its own u less the kid is naturally very bright. That’s a different situation but for the rest of the kids, if effort is made, they will do a lot better and have more confidence in the subject and then continue doing better. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 07.02.20, 04:51 AM Flag
My dd hated math and went into HS at a 4th grade level. We finally found her a great tutor (a woman in her 70's, which I'm mentioning because people seem to think young tutors are always better) and it turned out, dd sucked at arithmetic but is actually gifted at higher-level math. To the point where she could have gone into a math career. Not that she wanted to. Anyway, the right tutor changed everything for her. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 07.02.20, 01:57 PM Flag
Thanks! Great input. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 07.02.20, 02:11 PM Flag
I had a good friend who was terrible at math. She was getting Cs in middle school math. She started going to Kumon and it really turned things around for her. She ended up going to MIT. Maybe your son just needs a tutor or some other type to help [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 07.02.20, 02:19 PM Flag
Wow, sounds like she should have been in an ad campaign [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 07.03.20, 09:26 PM Flag
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