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06.12.20, 13:59 PM General Topics
22 replies
Does ADHD affect kid's grades or just makes them disruptive in a class? Can a ADHD kid have good grades in a demanding school (disruptions in class being a separate issue)? [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 01:59 PM Flag

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Depends on the kid, whether she's medicated, any co-morbid issues and age. Most kids with ADHD aren't disruptive, especially if medicated. The biggest disruption might be talking out of turn, talking too much, asking irrelevant questions. If they are smart, they can still get good grades, but may need a 504 or IEP to get around the rough edges. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 02:05 PM Flag
Usually both (unless medicated and he/she responds well to meds which is not always the case). A super genius with not very well controlled adhd might have great grades in a demanding school, but that is probably not the norm. The early years might be fine, but as the demands and homework load increases, these kids often struggle [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 02:05 PM Flag
DS fits the PP's last point. Fabulous memory and did fine for years, but hit a wall in middle school as more organization expected to succeed. I am struck by how many teachers fail to recognize these traits and blame the student. DS couldn't figure out what to do and lacked confidence to ask (very quiet). Teacher assumed he was just a horrible, irresponsible kid. Sad because I liked the teacher. DS tested one year later and now takes meds - help a lot but not fool proof. Sometimes I wonder if I should go back to the teacher and suggest that she ask the student/parents about what is going on rather than being punitive. This is an independent school, so the teacher has reasonable class loads to manage. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 02:26 PM Flag
Also- in early years many kids are disruptive and slightly nuts. We noticed that starting third grade most kids calm down where ours did not. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 03:44 PM Flag
Yes and Yes. It all depends on the kid and the school. They need good support with people who know about ADD and what strategies support the ADD brain while it is growing. The biggest risk at a demanding school is that the teachers won't have the training or background to support and the kid will feel like shit because they are treated like there is something wrong with them. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 02:17 PM Flag
yes! just posted above. so sad how teachers who work this population seem unable to recognize traits. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 02:27 PM Flag
In the upper grades especially, teachers in privates are hired more for their content knowledge than their pedagogy. Being in touch with support services (the dep't that actually has the training and experience) early and often is key so that they can interface with the teachers. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 02:32 PM Flag
yes, but if you are completely unaware of what is happening, you do not necessarily to think to reach out to support services. and even if they are hired for content knowledge, wouldn't you start to make observations about populations after prolonged exposure? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 02:46 PM Flag
You would think but unfortunately (as a teacher and as someone who came up through extremely demanding schools with ADD) some teachers don't see what they aren't looking for and some of them are resistant to even acknowledging that ADD exists. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 02:53 PM Flag
Another factor is that many teachers are explicitly instructed not to make recommendations or observations that indicate they think a child has a certain condition. They can describe what they see, but recommending evaluation is a huge no-no. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 02:55 PM Flag
PP here - agree and meant to include that. OTOH, a teacher could describe as well as make a gentle inquiry about if anything is going on. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 03:04 PM Flag
both my kids are at selective HS and both have friends with ADHD who are doing fine with appropriate accommodations. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 02:53 PM Flag
My son has ADHD and is doing well at STUY. It depends on the kid. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 03:00 PM Flag
Is your son on any medication? My girl is waiting for her evaluation in Dec. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 04:38 PM Flag
Please don't assume ADHD equals a disruptive child. I have become guarded about who I tell about my child's ADHD because too many parents and teachers assume this. Even before he was medicated, he was never out of control. This is why he wasn't diagnosed earlier. Can he keep track of his assignments on his own or advocate for himself well, no? Is he the target of bullies - yes! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 03:03 PM Flag
This. ADHD is not the same as ADD. My DS is ADD, not disruptive, very shy, but cannot focus w/o medication. Also poor impulse control w/o medication. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 06:22 PM Flag
a properly medicated ADHD kid with a high IQ can do very well in school AND won't be disruptive. It's odd to me how you separate out the two issues -- if the child is having behavior issues, the child isn't properly medicated. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 03:05 PM Flag
Um... No. That's your experience. Your dc probably has mild ADHD. Kids with severe ADHD may struggle even with medication. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 08:06 PM Flag
Why are you asking this? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 03:29 PM Flag
For my DS, ADHD made his disruptive but also made it difficult for him to focus and concentrate on his work. For years we didn't realize this was the issue. Then had him tested, started medication- and the improvement in school work and grades was pretty dramatic. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 03:43 PM Flag
What grade did your son start medication? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 04:39 PM Flag
if a child is unable to focus so it takes them 10 minutes to read one paragraph, or doesn't turn in their work, of course their grades will suffer. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 03:43 PM Flag
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