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06.11.20, 19:44 PM General Topics
11 replies
Questions to ask my endocrinologist now that I can finally go see her: Background is that I have gained a ton of weight since I had a copper IUD and since it has been removed, weight will not come off (30-50lbs). Original bloodwork showed high male hormones so she put me on a water pill that was supposed to help shed the excess male hormones. My thyroid was supposedly normal despite extreme fatigue and hair loss. I would love to have some good questions to ask her. Sidenote: I had covid (not hospitalized but VERY sick) and missed 2 periods due to it, I am wondering if she can run bloodwork to check my coagulating proteins and check for any other signs of long term illness. [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 06.11.20, 07:44 PM Flag

Dear UrbanBaby community,

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PCOS or other hormonal imbalance? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.11.20, 08:02 PM Flag
She did mention that last time, I will ask again thanks! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.11.20, 08:14 PM Flag
i would get a full work-up and see my gyno too, to check that my ovaries were ok. The copper IUD doesnt use hormones AT ALL. The material repels and kills sperm. Thats it. Weight gain is common with hormonal IUDs, not copper ones. A water pill to shed mail hormones? That makes no sense. It sounds like a diuretic. You might have PCOS. the hair loss fatigue and weight gain is classic PCOS. Honestly your endo sounds clueless so i'd get a 2nd opinion [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.11.20, 08:09 PM Flag
*male not mail [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.11.20, 08:09 PM Flag
NP: I think that water pill must be spironolactone? I’m on it too [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.11.20, 08:12 PM Flag
yes, that is correct. It interrupts the aldosterone pathway. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.11.20, 08:15 PM Flag
Who told you "water " pills shed "male hormones"? Dr. Google? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.11.20, 08:32 PM Flag
No, I was trying to simplify. The pill is spironolactone which is an aldosterone agonist (also used to treat heart failure to reduce excess fluid for the heart). [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.11.20, 09:56 PM Flag
It’s called ALDACTONE.. It’s a pretty mild diuretic prescribed for PCOS, that helps lower androgen levels and specifically, can help with hair loss associated with PCOS. It’s super toxic while pregnant, especially for male fetuses, so I would be on top of that. With PCOS, it becomes more symptomatic with weight gain and it in and of itself triggers weight gain, so it’s insidious. Best thing you can do is get on metformin...will regulate your period, help with hair loss and weight gain. This should be your number one question for doc: how is my blood sugar and can we discuss metformin...might not need aldactone after metformin, which is much more effective. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.11.20, 11:08 PM Flag
Thank you so much. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 10:15 AM Flag
You are welcome. Check out this, re: insulin resistance and PCOS https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3277302/ [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.12.20, 05:16 PM Flag
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