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06.04.20, 13:18 PM General Topics
14 replies
Just beginning to research so these are all over the place, but does anyone have any experience with the following boarding schools- Berkshire School, Miss Hall's, Emma Willard, Ethel Walker, Millbrook, Suffield Academy, Loomis Chaffee, Hotchkiss, Taft, Williston Northhampton. Trying to figure what the best "fit" would be for DD, so mostly curious about the general vibe, student body, any unique qualities. [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 06.04.20, 01:18 PM Flag

Dear UrbanBaby community,

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Go to college confidential, they have a forum for prep school admissions and there are lots of discussions about boarding schools. It was very helpful for us when dd applied last year. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.04.20, 01:34 PM Flag
I went to BS and toured 3 on your list and went to one not on your list. My one thought: stick w coed. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.04.20, 01:34 PM Flag
Millbrook is an excellent school. BUT, it has the biggest day student population out of the ones you list. I personally, would not want to be a boarding student at a school where half the school goes home at night and half stays. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.04.20, 01:55 PM Flag
Thanks! It says only 16% day students on their website. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.04.20, 02:03 PM Flag
sorry! my mistake. I was think of Milton. sorry! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.04.20, 02:22 PM Flag
No worries! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.04.20, 02:32 PM Flag
Will you get to tour any? or is everything remote? I toured about 8 schools when I was looking for myself as a teen. You get a good sense from the tour [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.04.20, 02:34 PM Flag
I was a day student at Williston Northampton in the 1990’s and it is a great school with lots to do in the area w/ cafes, bookstores and restaurants. There are so many sports offerings and it is a very nurturing community. It is preppy, but also very welcoming to artsy kids who love theater, dance,and studio arts. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.04.20, 04:20 PM Flag
Good to know! We don't fit the preppy mold at all, but live in a small NE town and want dd to be exposed to new people/places/ideas during high school. DH and I both went to nyc public schools and greatly value that experience. We obviously can't replicate it here and we're pretty torn as to whether boarding school will be eye-opening or just a bubble of priviledge. Our local public HS is good, though small (same ~65 kids in her grade since K), and though money is not an object for us, we really try to raise our dcs humbly. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.04.20, 07:39 PM Flag
DS is graduating from a BS not on this list. It has been great for him. DD going to another one not on the list in the fall. I agree about the day student population comment. IOE even if the day pop is low, a lot of kids lived nearby, so it could be different on some weekends. Especially long weekends when it was a bit far for him to get home after sports. That being said I know kids who have gone to all of those schools and loved them. You do need to see them to get the real vibe. All of them have artsy, sporty, shy and outgoing kids, it is how they meld that gives the school it's character. For cold hard numbers, look at boardingschoolreview.com just to compare size, sports etc. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.04.20, 04:24 PM Flag
Thanks! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.04.20, 07:32 PM Flag
So funny, we were the family that went RVing this past week. We were looking for a trail head and drove onto the Northhampton campus. Now I keep getting adds for the school. Beautiful area. My kid s were like what is boarding school and why would you go. We obviously don't trave; om those circles! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.04.20, 04:57 PM Flag
I grew up near Taft, but attended another boarding school. Great small school/community. Great matriculation. Would consider it for my dcs. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.05.20, 12:12 AM Flag
Thanks! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.05.20, 01:26 PM Flag
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