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06.03.20, 18:04 PM General Topics
10 replies
My DS8 is going through an eating phase. He doesn’t eat much in terms of variety or portion size but he’s always hungry. Moms who have been there, what suggestions do you have? He would happily and easily eat a block of cheese, 3 apples, a half gallon of milk and a bag of Cheetos if I let him. [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 06.03.20, 06:04 PM Flag

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If he weight is fine, I would let him be. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.03.20, 06:19 PM Flag
Just make sure he's getting a balanced diet: boys that age can eat truly frightening amounts. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.03.20, 06:20 PM Flag
He's getting ready to go on a growth spurt. Just cut out most of the Cheetos from your example and he'll be fine. My boys all did that--they'd kind of chunk up, then grow taller and leaner [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.03.20, 06:25 PM Flag
I hope so. His little brother is catching up. Little brother is a great eater though. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.03.20, 06:28 PM Flag
This is my experience too. We have certain snacks that kids can grab any time, as long as they also eat their meals, mostly fruit and nuts. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.03.20, 06:37 PM Flag
What kind of snacks? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.03.20, 06:44 PM Flag
I'm not sure what you are asking. Sounds like he is getting ready for a growth spurt. Other than the cheetos, I don't see the issue with those foods. When my kids were at those stages, I would make sure the fridge was full of foods they could easily eat. One of mine could eat chicken cutlets like nobody's business, so I would make a huge batch (like 4 pounds) on Sunday so he could easily grab a few out of the fridge whenever he wanted. My DD loved mac & cheese so I would make a huge tray and leave that in the fridge. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.03.20, 06:36 PM Flag
I always made enough of dinner for dinner and "2nd dinner" about 2 hours later. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.03.20, 08:24 PM Flag
Kids go through phases like that right before they grow. Let him eat. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.03.20, 08:35 PM Flag
just make sure it's all healthy. would he eat like carrots and hummus or similar? don't let him eat tons of fattening foods or junk food. my dd ate like crazy until puberty. would out eat me at dinner starting at 3 years old and then say she was still hungry. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.03.20, 11:53 PM Flag
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