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05.22.08, 12:34 PM General Topics
2 replies
hi, i have a basic question - what is an OPK? is that the ovulation predictor tests you pee on with the two lines or the sticks that you use on that $200 machine? i'm asking because i read a post saying you should do the OPK mid-day. i'm currently trying to figure out if i'm ovulating or not and i'm using those sticks with the lines. are those to be done mid day too? thanks much ! [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 12:34 PM Flag

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The sticks you pee on are OPKs. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 12:35 PM Flag
ok thanks. i didn't realize those are to be done mid-day. i keep getting negatives but i do the test first thing in the AM or after dinner, depending on when i remember. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 12:48 PM Flag
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