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05.22.08, 11:50 AM General Topics
17 replies
I love J. Crew and I really like their kids clothes line, but all those fake Sag Harbor, Block Island, Fisher Island, East Hampton, Nantucket, etc. t-shirt are so freaking pretentious. It's one thing to live or vacation in those places and buy stuff like that from local shops, but to buy them from J. Crew to pretend you are part of that world is just really gross. ok, vent over. [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 11:50 AM Flag

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i don't like words on clothes, ever. ok - maybe a t-shirt but not real clothes. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 11:53 AM Flag
i don't mind words and stuff on t-shirts, or even t-shirts of this type. If you actually go to SAg Harbor and buy it there. Not order it from J. Crew and have no idea where or what Sag Harbor is!! At least the Old Navy fake novelty t's are of actual fake places! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 11:55 AM Flag
You are just being a snob. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 11:56 AM Flag
I'm a snob?/ Why didn't J. Crew make t-shirts with Ocean City or Belmar on them or Ft. Lauderdale??? They picked the most snobby pretentious summer places in the country, so people cold pretend they are rich wasp who go to these places. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 11:59 AM Flag
why do you care if they "pretend"? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 12:07 PM Flag
I guess I don't. It was actually more of a disappointment with J. Crew and there so obvious attempt to portray a certain lifestyle. I mean they have always tried to portry their brand as the hip releaxed "prepster" who summers in the Hampton and spends in Winters in Vail, but this was just so blatant. It turned me off. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 12:12 PM Flag
I'm guessing that you actually go to one of those places and are upset that the riff-raff can now pretend they are as rich and coooool as you are. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 12:09 PM Flag
I do. but that wasn't what upset me. see above. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 12:12 PM Flag
it's marketing - they're looking to sell to a certain demographic - how is any worse than those Aryan (sp?) Ralph Lauren ads? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 12:11 PM Flag
it's not. it's just I felt they crossed a line when they splattered the names of these "elite" summer towns across their t-shirts. it's just gross. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 12:13 PM Flag
why do you care? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 11:56 AM Flag
why does anyone care about half the crap that people bitch about here. It bugged me, so I vented about it. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 12:01 PM Flag
the only tee shirst like that I like are the ones with the word spelled out above in the nautical flags. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 11:56 AM Flag
you've wasted too many words on this issue - move on [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 11:58 AM Flag
ITTTA. I hate any sort of brand identification as well, an aligator, a golden fleece, a guy on a horse...I just hate all of it...for me and mine, I don't care what others wear [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 12:09 PM Flag
There was an article about that in the Sunday Styles section, about those ridiculous bumper stickers like ACK, etc. - so ridiculous - I can't recall the details but it was something like, some kids changed the letters around on their mom's bumper sticker so it read NERD, or something like this [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 12:01 PM Flag
what's ACK? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 12:12 PM Flag
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