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05.22.08, 10:23 AM General Topics
3 replies
Does anyone in the city use home daycare where someone watches 4 or 5 kids in their apt? Or does everyone just use nannies? Is it a bad idea for a newborn? [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 10:23 AM Flag

Dear UrbanBaby community,

Thank you so much for being a valued member of the UrbanBaby community. We wanted to inform you that we are shutting down the site on July 6th. We are grateful for your participation and support that has helped make UrbanBaby such an important resource to parents for many years.

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UrbanBaby Support

i know someone who does in home day care for her db in washington hts. and was happy. in home would make me nervous. they tend to take wider range of ages and the person who is running it may or may not even be licensed. would also need to see background of person running it. but having said that, we had both my kids in day care from 6 mos, and we have been happy. it was run through a church, was very established. we liked the idea of having multiple licensed caregivers watching dc. but a lot depends on your comfort level, needs, budget, etc [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 10:28 AM Flag
are nannies (off the books) liscensed? So scary that you leave your kids with strangers- bottom line. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 10:37 AM Flag
no licensing with nannies. ita on scary, but people do it. unless you plan on being glued to your dc or have familynearby. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 10:38 AM Flag
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