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05.22.08, 10:10 AM NY Schools
14 replies
Mamaroneck HS vs. Rye Neck HS. Which school is better? I have a number of high school rankings and SAT scores from Newsweek, US News and World Report, Westchester Magazine, NY Board of Ed, etc. and it seems Mamaroneck HS scored better in most rankings but people seem to think Rye Neck is better school. Any comments? [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
NY Schools 05.22.08, 10:10 AM Flag

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First, ignore Newsweek. Their criteria for ranking stinks. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 10:11 AM Flag
Rye Neck is clearly a better school district academically, it is a small school district and is really more like a private school in the public school system. Why don't you take a look at www.greatschools.net which ranks Rye Neck as 10 out of 10 and Mamaroneck 8 out of 10. You should compare the school districts on www.schoolmatters.com Having said that if you child has special needs and other similar services then Mamaroneck is better being a bigger school district. Mamaroneck also has an excellent performing arts program one of the best public school programs in the country. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.23.08, 05:26 PM Flag
ignore the rankings because some schools do not fill out the survey, or no longer have APs etc. This can distort the order of the rankins [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 10:14 AM Flag
All schools in Westchester ended up having to fill out the survey, some were trying to get out of it but ended up having to do so since the data requested is public information. Scarsdale is the only school district in Westchester that is slowly (not completely) opting out of APs in favor of their own program, a lot of Scarsdale residents are not in favor of this, APs are important. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.23.08, 05:28 PM Flag
what school is better then? Is there much difference?? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 12:28 PM Flag
Your child will do well in both if he/her is smart and you are involved, you may have to be more involved in Mamaroneck SD, having said that all elems in Mamaroneck SD are not equal go for Murray Ave, Chatsworth and Central, Mamaroneck Ave elem school rates pretty poorly. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.23.08, 05:30 PM Flag
Mamaroneck Ave school is more diverse so scores are lower. Have friends whose kids attend and they love it. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.24.08, 04:14 AM Flag
I'm not from Westchester, but I have friends who bought in both districts. If you are smart you can go to a great school/college from either one. I think the Rye Neck school system is very small, which can be a pro or a con, depending on your preference. Mamoroneck is diverse (for a good HS in westchester), not sure about rye neck. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 01:05 PM Flag
Mamaroneck HS and Rye Neck HS have similar racial demographics. Mamaroneck has more whites and blacks, Rye Neck has more Hispanics and Asians. But the difference is pretty negligible. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 01:28 PM Flag
That is actually the opposite, Rye Neck has less not more hispanics and less blacks. Rye Neck is essentially a very affluent part of Rye and a mixture of very affluent and middle class parts of Mamaroneck. The poorer neighbourhoods of Mamaroneck i.e. those in Washingtonville (the flats)are zoned for Mamaroneck SD. Mamaroneck Avenue elem sch which has lots of hispanics falls under Mamaroneck SD. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.23.08, 05:37 PM Flag
Rye Neck HS: 76% white, 17% Hispanic, 5% Asian, 3% Black. Mamaroneck HS: 78% white, 14% Hispanic, 4% Black, 3% Asian. And these numbers are from greatschools. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.23.08, 11:47 PM Flag
Rye Neck is also diverse racially but perhaps slightly less than Mamaroneck,it is not as diverse socio-economically. The poorer parts of Mamaroneck are zoned for Mamaroneck SD, so Rye Neck is middle to upper class, while Mamaroneck is lower to upper class. There are lot of international expats living in the area (which brings more diversity) and zoned for both school districts. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.23.08, 05:34 PM Flag
Mamaroneck did not score higher on Newsweek (or US News World Report or NY Board of Ed), than Rye Neck.US News and Newsweek and never has. I don't know about Westchester Magazine and how they got their results, perhaps based on SATs. With regards to SAT scores, 100% of Rye Neck students take SATs vs. Mamaroneck (not sure exact % but not 100%)if poor/average students drop out instead of taking SATs or for whatever reason don't take them this affects the average SAT scores favorably. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.23.08, 05:45 PM Flag
You will be fine in either district. They share a little league, etc. Rye Neck is very small, so if you have a special needs child or want a lot of class options in HS, then go for Mamaroneck. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.24.08, 04:16 AM Flag
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