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05.22.08, 09:03 AM TTC
9 replies
Anyone familiar with Dr. Lucy Gade at Beth Israel? [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
TTC 05.22.08, 09:03 AM Flag

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no, but i delivered at beth israel and i had a great experience [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 09:14 AM Flag
Ditto. The new maternity floor is awesome. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.22.08, 09:15 AM Flag
Agreed 100% [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.09, 06:14 AM Flag
she was my friend's obgyn and recommended her to me for future reference. i will see her for my next gyn visit. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.20.08, 01:08 PM Flag
She's my obgyn for a couple of years now. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.14.09, 08:28 PM Flag
Loved Dr. Gade, but hated Beth Israel (seemed old and dirty to us)....we switched at 24 weeks to Dr. Boester and NYP/Cornell. Loved Cornell. Felt bad about leaving Gade though. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.15.09, 06:11 AM Flag
YES she delivered my son two years ago. He wound up growing at a really slow rate and she handled the situation PERFECTLY and my son is now a happy and healthy two year old. I have recently moved out of the city and am newly pregnant and just saw a new OBGYN and NO ONE compares to Dr. Gade. Me and my husband actually considered driving in and using her again..she is THE BEST, i would recommend her to anyone i knew living in the city. As for beth israel- i hear ya about not being the best but the new maternity ward is supposed to be great and GOD FORBID your child has issues and needs to be in the NICU (like mine did) its a level 1 hospital so he had the best care without having to be transferred etc...i was EXTREMELY impressed! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.15.09, 01:15 PM Flag
I've been with Dr. Ban, Dr. Gade, and Dr. Pastore at that practice for years, and love them all. Dr. Pastore delivered my 1st child and Dr. Gade my 2nd. They are great. If you are normal they do rush a little, but if you have questions and issues, you should not be shy to ask, they will spend the time with you. Beth Israel doesn't look so fab in terms of aesthetics, but I had a high risk pregnancy there and they took amazing care of me. The nurses were amazing (the most important part, in my opinion), and all the equipment is up to date. I highly recommend. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.15.09, 01:34 PM Flag
Dr. Gade is a part of the practice I visit (Drs. Lam, Pastore, Choy and Gade). While she is not my primary OB/GYN, she delivered my son. I cannot recommend her enough - she is a truly compassionate, yet decisive physician. She is extremely confident, and made my family and me very comfortable through a complicated pregnancy. Cannot say enough about her... and Beth Israel was WONDERFUL. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 06.24.09, 06:37 PM Flag
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