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05.21.08, 19:23 PM Toddler
5 replies
having noise complaint issues. basically our building has told us to be compliant we need 80% of the floor covered with rug (including under dinner table...eww...by front door where stroller wheels in etc). our lease is up in 2 months. we want to stay, but are afraid the crazy lady below us (really, not just saying, she is crazy) won't be happy once we outlay $$$ for rugs, and she'll still complain and they won't renew our lease. WWYD: get rugs and hope for the best two months from now, or tell them to stick it and move somewhere else. added bonus: we are 1 block away from dc's school [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
Toddler 05.21.08, 07:23 PM Flag

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i would get really cheap rugs until you know. i have these $70 ones from urban outfitters that i love [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.21.08, 07:26 PM Flag
yeah, that's what we're thinking. maybe just ride it out, see if they renew, hopefully won't jack rent up too much. i just know this beeyotch will never stop complaining, even if we had wall to wall shag carpeting with 7 layers of soundproofing beneath. there's bad karma coming up through the floorboards! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.21.08, 07:29 PM Flag
np: Actually, get the rugs. She is right to complain. Kids/apartments without rugs are a really BAD mix. BTDT. I'm not crazy. Loud is Loud. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.21.08, 07:39 PM Flag
They'll renew your lease regardless of the a$$hole below you [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.21.08, 07:38 PM Flag
even if you have to move you need the rugs. you're in the wrong on the rug issue, no matter how crazy the lady downstairs is. Ikea has some good cheap ones. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.21.08, 07:41 PM Flag
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