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05.21.08, 16:39 PM General Topics
4 replies
RE: TTC next week. I have 2 dds. What are my odds of having a ds? I read that with each child you have of the same sex, the more likely you are to have the same gender three times in a row...so, I have a 75% chance of another dd? [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 05.21.08, 04:39 PM Flag

Dear UrbanBaby community,

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yes, my ob has 3 dds [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.21.08, 04:40 PM Flag
Not sure about the odds (but I've read the same thing)... don't do it unless you 100% would want a third dd! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.21.08, 04:41 PM Flag
OP: OH, I wouldn't mind. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.21.08, 04:41 PM Flag
i have 2 dds too. I actually tried shettles method both times since originally we thought we wanted a boy first. May never get one at all! I think it is all random. My dh was the 5th child---4 girls, then him. There are no real patterns to it. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.21.08, 05:02 PM Flag
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