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05.21.08, 13:52 PM General Topics
5 replies
WWYD? I had a lot of tree work done in the fall. The guys showed up today and said they were here to do fertilizer. I asked if it was something I had already paid for, or if they were asking me if I wanted them to do it. He didn't speak much english but said I had already paid for it. I said in that case, you're welcome to do it. They left me a bill for $550. [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 05.21.08, 01:52 PM Flag

Dear UrbanBaby community,

Thank you so much for being a valued member of the UrbanBaby community. We wanted to inform you that we are shutting down the site on July 6th. We are grateful for your participation and support that has helped make UrbanBaby such an important resource to parents for many years.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email us at urbanbaby-support@cbsinteractive.com.

Thanks so much,

UrbanBaby Support

oh no! is he an independent guy or with a service? i'd call today and explain [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.21.08, 01:54 PM Flag
With a big well-regarded service. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.21.08, 01:54 PM Flag
Trugreen Chemlawn? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.21.08, 02:01 PM Flag
nope, I'm in bergen [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 05.21.08, 02:05 PM Flag
I would call and tell them exactly what happened and tell them you won't be paying for it. They shouldn't be sending people out who cannot communicate effectively with their customers. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 07.25.15, 06:50 PM Flag
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