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01.22.08, 06:47 AM New York City
21 replies
So, it turns out that Terri Edersheim is not taking on any new pregnancy patients. I liked Hutson, but did not appreciate Kessler all that much. People keep telling me to stick w/ Cornell b/c of the NICU, even though we had a pretty lousy post-partum ex perience there. Was really going to stick with it to stick w/ Edersheim, but now am thinking about Marks/Wegman at Lenox Hill. Any thoughts? I'm eight weeks. I have to get going. (I am under an RE's care right now, although I got pg on my own this time!) TIA [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
New York City 01.22.08, 06:47 AM Flag

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I LOVE Leonard at Cornell - he was my OB for both kids and delivered #1; Dobrenis (who is one of my favorite docs of all time) delivered #2. Great practice. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 06:48 AM Flag
full practice name? Thanks [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 06:49 AM Flag
Let's see, it's Leonard, Dobrenis and Hockstein. They're at the Iris Cantor Womens' Center on 61st... I think the phone is 821.0800 (but that's from memory - who knows!) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 06:52 AM Flag
I used Hockstein [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.21.16, 01:02 PM Flag
FWIW, my kids were in the NICU at Columbia and could not have received better care. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 06:48 AM Flag
what is it like? new? old? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 10:58 AM Flag
I delivered there. Kalish was my OB and Sylvestre delivered db. Loved them both and had great care (with the exception of one or two nurses who were not that nice, but over the course of 4 days I think that's pretty average). [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 06:51 AM Flag
I loved Cornell; Edersheim delivered me; Hutson did my amnio and handled some pre-delivery complications and was GREAT. I'd stick w/ them and hope Kessler isn't who delivers you (I think he's a good dr., just not much personality). [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 06:52 AM Flag
I love Edersheim, and she was my primary, but she didn't deliver me. In fact, I was in the hospital for 5 days and did not see her once. Wu, who I met once delivered me. I do like/respect/feel comfortable w/ Hutson, esp for the amnio (I had twins last time), but I'm just hesitant to have just Hutson and Kessler, plus my lousy cornell experience last time. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 07:00 AM Flag
How did you like Wu? I believe she left the practice but is on her own now. What happend @ Cornell? They were so great w/ us. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 07:04 AM Flag
actually, I like Wu a lot, but I had only met her ONCE before she delivered me, and that was only because I came in for a terrible headache a week before I delivered. I really loved Edersheim, and to a lesser degree Hutson, but for the overall practice a nd hospital I was mixed. Still, my other docs keep telling me it is the best NICU, just in case. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 07:06 AM Flag
Do you have a particular reason to be concerned about NICU or "just in case"? I like Wu too, have seen her in her own practice but always had more confidence when she had the H&E office behind her too. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 07:14 AM Flag
no particular reasons at this time. It is very early. I am 40, however. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 07:24 AM Flag
Gotcha. Good luck! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 07:25 AM Flag
Agree with the above: for #1 I had dobrenis and leonard delivered, both amazing. For #2 I had Kalish and Sylvestre delivered, both very good. If no insurance issues go with dobrenis and if you have insurance kalish. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 07:00 AM Flag
Hutson is a good choice. You will see all the drs in the practice. I have delivered 5 dc with them, and had a lousey pp experience too with my 1st. I will say you really need to speak up for yourself in that situation [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 07:04 AM Flag
yes, only the practice is down to Hutson and Kessler only. I agree about speaking up for yourself, but I was pretty naive. I come from a family with a lot of physicians (in another city), so we're all used to very personal treatment. My experience wa a big shock. (Although, granted, not a clinic in sub-saharan Africa.) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 07:08 AM Flag
Hutson is highly regarded at Cornell with the hospital (dr and nurses). The difference for me the 2nd time around was letting the nurses and him know there was a problem. Prep DH too [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 07:23 AM Flag
You just need to make sure that the NICU is level 3. If your kids need more care than that they will be transferred anyway, so pick an MD you like. Mine were in the NICU at Beth Israel for 6 weeks and had great care. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.22.08, 07:08 AM Flag
Terri Edersheim along with Keller were part of a practice the left my son at birth with a subdural hematoma at birth. He now has severe cerebral palsy, feeds through a gastrostomy tube, and has severe medical problem - last month he had back surgery to correct his scoliosis. Edersheim never once said she was at least sorry about the outcome, or did follow up enquires to see how Alex was doing. While this is obviously not the moral equivalent of the Nazis who killed most of my family, from a phenomenological point of view it is sometimes hard to see the difference. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.29.14, 11:57 AM Flag
Almost all NYC nicu are level 4 [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.21.16, 12:59 PM Flag
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