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10.04.07, 14:11 PM New York City
22 replies
Mandell parents: How helpful is director with exmissions? [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
New York City 10.04.07, 02:11 PM Flag

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Basically she tells you where your dc is going to go, and it generally happens. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.04.07, 02:51 PM Flag
And people call this good exmissions?? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.04.07, 03:09 PM Flag
You will be hard-pressed to find a Mandell parent who was unhappy with the exmissions process or where their child wound up. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.04.07, 10:02 PM Flag
ITD. If you are even considering public (H/A, G&T) do not go to Mandell. The Director will practically call child protective services on you and let you know 7 ways from Sunday what a bad parent you are. They're also overly quick to "diagnose" your chi with issues and get them into therapy at age 3. It's not appropriate and feeds into the stereotype that NYers are nuts. (This from just observing friends go into therapy about what a head trip the Director did to them.) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.05.07, 04:20 AM Flag
Do the kids that get sent to therapy or ot or whatever still exmit to tt? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.05.07, 07:41 AM Flag
Some do, if she likes your family and if you don't make her insecure. You see, it's all about HER, not your kid [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.30.14, 08:23 PM Flag
Hey, if you have an axe to grind with Mandell (as you clearly do), that's your business. Mandell parents are overwhelmingly happy about the school - they just don't talk about it, here. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.05.07, 07:53 PM Flag
Don't kid yourself. If Mandell parents were happy, there would be nothing stopping them from posting here. Their silence speaks volumes about the culture of the school and its intimidated parent body. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.06.07, 07:25 PM Flag
np - I've posted several times about our experience at Mandell. We've sent 2 dcs there & were very happy with the school. G can be tremendously abrasive but we never had any problems (and neither of our kids was 'diagnosed' with anything.) Our exmissi experience was as good as can be expected, in NYC - our kids are at a fantastic school, which is all we could ask for. I was apprehensive about sending dc #1 to Mandell after hearing all of the horror stories here; aside from some overly-tense parents, we loved the school. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.06.07, 09:48 PM Flag
Thanks for your post. But you may be forgetting your feelings as a parent while you were there & before the results of your exmissions. Just b/c your dc didn't get a diagnosis doesn' t mean the school didn't recommend something for your dcs, which is standard there. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.07.07, 03:29 PM Flag
lol - No, I haven't forgotten. It was quite recent, as a matter of fact! And nothing was recommended for our kids except an eye exam (they were right - he needed glasses) & ideas for playdates. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.08.07, 10:35 AM Flag
Whatever. Hard to know what's truthful on this board. IRL many Mandell parents have bad stories about the school. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.08.07, 09:04 PM Flag
It IS hard to know what the truth is, here. However, one thing is for sure - I sent kids to mandell and have been honest about our experience... and you did not send kids to mandell and are reporting what you've heard, from others. I leave the readers to judge which viewpoint is more reliable. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.09.07, 09:22 AM Flag
I think you are trying to sell the school your kids went to as well. You're not totally disinterested here. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.10.07, 06:22 PM Flag
Of course I am! We had a great experience. I recommend the school to friends. Why wouldn't I do so here? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.10.07, 07:32 PM Flag
Because you are probably the HOS of the school! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.29.14, 01:31 PM Flag
I sent my dcs to Mandell and what the PP says is ALL true. Lots of intimidation and manipulation on the part of the HOS, very unscrupulous behavior, attempts to label dc and other invasive behaviors. Avoid this place because there is no oversight of the HOS and her unethical practices. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.29.14, 01:31 PM Flag
Dozens of posts have DISAPPEARED over the past year attesting to the many awful experiences parents have had with Mandell over their kids. They were just sold and are trying to cover up their tracks. Unfortunately for them, it's not hard to keep records of these threads. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.30.14, 08:25 PM Flag
I find this hard to believe. The Mandell exmissions list wasn't that impressive. A lot of holes in placement & missing a # of TT schools [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.05.07, 10:14 AM Flag
LOLOL [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.05.07, 07:53 PM Flag
Sweet dreams in never never land [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 10.06.07, 07:23 PM Flag
I have known of MANY displeased Mandell parents [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 04.30.14, 08:22 PM Flag
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