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03.06.07, 04:56 AM New York City
47 replies
Honest question: why do people assume it's automatically a bad thing when a school recommends a child for OT, speech or a SEIT? Isn't it better to get intervention while DC is still in nursery school? [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
New York City 03.06.07, 04:56 AM Flag

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Well, people don't automatically assume its a bad thing. But they do question the schools that do this to a degree that does not line up statistically. KWIM? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 04:57 AM Flag
OK. And I agree that there might be a tendency to "overdiagnose." Just surprised that some schools on the board are denounced with such vitriol--it's not like they're recommending a course of drug therapy. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:00 AM Flag
You haven't been there. When a school decides that your chid needs a SEIT (and wrongly so) there is NOTHING you can do. It is a terrible experience for the parents and the child. If you knew someon who went thru this, or had done it yourself then you would understand. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:02 AM Flag
it is a horrible experience for most parents because they canot face the truth, they choose to bury their heads in the sand [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:04 AM Flag
OK, if you say that there is not a problem with overdx in this country, it must be true. Thanks [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:05 AM Flag
sure, but not EVERY school overdiagnoses EVEY child and yet I have never met a parent who didn't scream fro the hilltops that it was a misdiagnosis. you do the math. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:07 AM Flag
apparently you already have. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:10 AM Flag
look, not trying to be nasty here, it is just common sense. I don't want to think anything but wonderful things about ds, because I thnk hes wonderful because he is mine, but when I think with my head and not my heart I understand he cannot possibly be s perfect as I think he is [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:11 AM Flag
But that doesn't mean he needs therapy, either. That's what we are saying, which you obviously cannot accept [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:49 AM Flag
Thanks. I'm not here to argue, and you're right, I haven't been there, which is why I asked the question. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:06 AM Flag
It's a terrible thing to stigmatize a child. A child should ONLY be given a SEIT because there is need not because the school has an agenda and needs an extra pair of hands in the classroom. Schools need to be held accountable too for their referrals and at the moment they are not. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.28.14, 06:18 PM Flag
we felt pressured by our private to go through testing for our DS, and they tried all sorts of things in the classroom. turns out he was a wiggly 4 yo who is just fine at 6, at a different school BTW [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 08.15.16, 07:45 PM Flag
np. For me the problem is when a school tries to pathologize or stigmatize absolutely normal child behavior, and some schools seem to do this a lot. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:02 AM Flag
exactly. And if you don't go along, you are out. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:03 AM Flag
Yep. It sucks. Is it ever possible to get another opinion and override the school? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:06 AM Flag
Yes. You go thru all the testing and you find that dc doesn't have any problems and you show the school, and guess what. They still don't think its a good "fit". Once an adult has made a judgement on a child it is almost impossible for the child to change the opinion. Children always mess up! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:09 AM Flag
Then I'd have to agree with the school, it's not a good "fit". But not because of the dc, because there's something wrong with the school. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:15 AM Flag
yup, that is why people come to this board and ask what schools are known for this type of thing as some ARE. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:19 AM Flag
EXACTLY! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:53 AM Flag
What schools? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:05 AM Flag
Mandell [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:55 AM Flag
Have heard from parents w/ dc at GHS that some big % of the dc receive therapies of some kind at the "recommendation" of the school. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 06:04 AM Flag
that's not true at all. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 10:11 AM Flag
Also, a couple of the stricter Montessori schools have bad reps for advising parents that dc need OT to deal with normal behavior. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 06:08 AM Flag
All Souls [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 06:16 AM Flag
Really? That surprising to me. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 06:17 AM Flag
^That's [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 06:17 AM Flag
Avenues [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 08.15.16, 07:42 PM Flag
Yes, it's better. I don't know why it's a bad thing. And IME, I haven't seen any kid getting services who hasn't needed it [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:04 AM Flag
I agree. Though I'm in the burbs, not in the city. And there's no stigma in the class at all...there are 2 SEIT's in my dc's room, and the kids jsut know she's "there to help X". [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:06 AM Flag
I have, three child to date. All boys. Bad prek program that wanted the extra adult in the room. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:14 AM Flag
Aren't SEITs an extra adult in the classroom, there to provide one-on-one attention to the child? Unclear on how that is stigmatizing. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:08 AM Flag
Actually, they are supposed to "blend in" and help with all the children. Maybe why so many classes want them eh? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:14 AM Flag
That's not how it is in my dc's class. The kdis know who the SEIT comes to help (though not in a bad way). They do get pulled out in groups with the SEIT/child if that helps the child (and we, the other parents, have to give our ok for this) but otherwi she doesn't interact with my dc at all [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:18 AM Flag
No, a SEIT is assigned to work with one child for a certain # of hours/week. She will faciliate that child's interaction with other children, but she is not there to help out with all the children [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:19 AM Flag
I'm not off base on this. The guidelines are that SEIT blend in. Maybe you are talking about a shadow? Are you in public or private? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:23 AM Flag
No, not a shadow. DS had a SEIT in preschool. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:25 AM Flag
^And yes, they do blend in, but they are not there to help with all the children [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:26 AM Flag
No, technically they are not there to help with the other children. But think about it. How exactly would you blend in if you didn't interact with the others?? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:42 AM Flag
It can become stigmatizing when other dc, or more often the other parents, realize your dc has a SEIT and start making assumptions about dc. And it can be a stigma when applying to ongoings. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:29 AM Flag
I remember a poster on this board who was extremely upset and felt it was her right to know about all adults in the classroom. She wanted to know why the person was there. General consensus was myob - but still. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:44 AM Flag
Hey, if a strange adult suddenly appeared one day in my dc's preschool classroon, I'd want to know what he or she was doing there, too. But I'd be satisfied with the answer that the adults was a SEIT for one of the other dc. I wouldn't think it was my right to know which dc or what the dc's issue is. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:48 AM Flag
Seits aren't strange! They are lovely!! :) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:50 AM Flag
Oh, you know what I meant! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:51 AM Flag
^ :P [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:52 AM Flag
I know, I couldn't resist. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 03.06.07, 05:58 AM Flag
I would think if your child needed speech or ot, you as a parent would want it and lobby for it and get it free from the city outside of preschool. Why would you wish your child to get the speech or occupational therapy while preschool is in session? I mean, your paying for whatever hours of preschool so get what you paid for then once school is over that day then have the speech or occupational therapist have the session at your apartment or at the agency. Lots of 3 year olds get speech therapy, its nbd. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 08.15.16, 07:31 PM Flag
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