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09.10.19, 18:16 PM General Topics
4 replies
We’re moving back to nyc from the west coast. How do I prep my kids for the ERB? Books? The test is now online. They would be applying to private schools in an off year (2-5th grade in elementary). [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 09.10.19, 06:16 PM Flag

Dear UrbanBaby community,

Thank you so much for being a valued member of the UrbanBaby community. We wanted to inform you that we are shutting down the site on July 6th. We are grateful for your participation and support that has helped make UrbanBaby such an important resource to parents for many years.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email us at urbanbaby-support@cbsinteractive.com.

Thanks so much,

UrbanBaby Support

I thought they got rid of the ERB? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.10.19, 06:17 PM Flag
Only for K. They still text for lower school. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.10.19, 06:25 PM Flag
So how do they choose the kids now? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.10.19, 06:41 PM Flag
NP here. For K, some do this new computerized test that most kids bomb (HM, Marymount). Others just do their own test on the play date. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.10.19, 06:45 PM Flag
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