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09.05.19, 23:37 PM General Topics
15 replies
I'm the extra hot latte poster. Last night, I got really sick with trembling, terrible headache and nausea. Trembling and headache got better after throwing up everything inside my stomach. During that time, DH got up when I started to throw up and brought me painkillers for headache after I asked, then went back right to sleep. In the morning I didn't see him. Throughout the day, he didn't reach out ask if I'm feeling better. If I would complain that he didn't ask, he would tell me how hard he's working and doing so much for us. If I insist then he'll bring up that we're not having sex for the last 2 weeks so he's resentful so he has a right to act the way he acts. I feel emotionally so alone. Thanks for reading my vent. [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 09.05.19, 11:37 PM Flag

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DH: He may just assume that you're doing better, since he hasn't heard otherwise. I don't know your guy of course, and his blaming ignoring you on your not having sex is obviously BS and not OK (if he actually were to do this, which he hasn't today, right?), but you're not giving him the benefit of the doubt or assuming best intentions on his part... [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.05.19, 11:40 PM Flag
I know you know this (I was you), you deserve better. I'm sorry. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.05.19, 11:44 PM Flag
I’m sorry you are going through this. This sounds like my ex DH. My DH now would never treat me this way. I’m so sorry. Hope you feel better soon. And you need to have a serious talk with you DH. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.06.19, 12:28 AM Flag
My DH did exactly the same thing to me. Sound asleep all night in b d next to me while I puked, moaned and shivered and sweated with high fever. His excuse? “ I was sleepy” [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.06.19, 01:27 AM Flag
op: I didn't even say anything about his continuing to sleep while I was very sick in bed. If I would say anything he would say he had to get up early while I could sleep in the morning. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.06.19, 02:11 AM Flag
So sorry. What I don’t understand is HOW they are able to go on sleeping in these circumstances? Because not matter how sleepy I am, I could not possibly sleep while a life vid one was in the room suffering. I know this from experience of taking care of loved ones over many years. How do they do it? It’s a baffling mystery. And how do they resist what would be for us the urgent need to be there the next day, or at the very least arrange for care and call to check up? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.06.19, 02:33 AM Flag
^^^Loved one, not life vid. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.06.19, 02:34 AM Flag
I think the answer is the meaning of "loved one". they don't love the way a normal person loves, it is narcissistic love. they only love you as long as you're a tool to make them feel better and superior about themselves. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.06.19, 02:42 AM Flag
Oh my. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.06.19, 02:45 AM Flag
sam vaknin will explain better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8h2xuuxWIKk [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.06.19, 02:45 AM Flag
He’s always making you feel not important. I’m sorry that sucks. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.06.19, 01:29 AM Flag
I'll be honest here. You sound like hard work. You are very needy. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.06.19, 02:44 AM Flag
Agree. OP also should have sex with her hubby. Otherwise he will find it elsewhere. Then she will be on here complaining about him cheating on her. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.06.19, 03:32 AM Flag
op: yes, that's what I'm doing for years and I am at a point where I have no career, no financial power, no self-esteem left. Please don't make other people feel bad about themselves when they are the recipients of emotional abuse. Better yet, learn about emotional abuse if you're so inclined to be judgmental about others. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.06.19, 03:40 AM Flag
Get a divorce. You are obviously very unhappy. Take control of your life and stop bitching about how awful your husband is. He doesn't sound like a prize and neither do you. Maybe if you two are away from each other living your own lives you'll be happier. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.06.19, 04:01 AM Flag
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