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09.04.19, 23:43 PM General Topics
7 replies
I am an emotional sponge. How do I stay calm in the face of teen angst, disappointment, and rage? Is it normal for 8th grade girls to complain about everything? [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 11:43 PM Flag

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Our son sees a therapist once a week, and every 3 months or so my husband and I go in together to learn what we can do. I mentioned that our teen is exhausting..it seems that I get the endless brunt of complaints, depressive comments and negativity. The therapist said this is because I'm Mom, and that it is a great sign that he has someone he knows he can be less than perfect with. So, I hope this helps. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 11:55 PM Flag
possibly. try doing some fun stuff and telling more jokes and be lighthearted. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.05.19, 01:02 AM Flag
you're an asshole [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.05.19, 01:39 AM Flag
Yes. It’s normal. Her crankiness makes me cranky. I’ve learned the outcome is more pleasant when I let her vent and I stay calm and supportive. It’s a skill. I stole a line from Olivia Pope...what do you need me to do? Most of the time she just needs me to just listen. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.05.19, 01:25 AM Flag
I am the same. The only solution is to stay as busy as you can so you don't have time to think about it. It is a challenge to stay calm in the teen years but they get better. Hang in there. Humor helps and remembering that it will pass. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.05.19, 01:25 AM Flag
If you can sift through the Dr. Burns podcasts, he suggests some reverse psych type tips that other therapists on the show all concur work. There is one where he talks about the TEAM approach with adolescents. One is agreeing with them, then talking through the likely conclusion if that thing were true or to happen. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/feeling-good-podcast-team-cbt-the-new-mood-therapy/id1171155453 [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.05.19, 01:32 AM Flag
Yes, but be aware that this is also a sign of anxiety. My dd was constantly upset. It was generalized anxiety. She got much better with therapy and some meds. (not saying it's your dd's problem, but I just attributed it to the teen years and tbh it was much much more serious). [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.05.19, 02:25 AM Flag
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