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09.04.19, 18:37 PM General Topics
23 replies
Would you take a 2 year old to Asia for vacation? He’s been on planes several times and does reasonably well, but these have only been 2-4 hr flights. DH found some good deals and wants to pull the trigger. I personally think it’s crazy. [ Reply | Watch | Flag ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 06:37 PM Flag

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Is there a grandparent or someone he could stay with? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 06:39 PM Flag
We took our DD to Australia when she was 3yo,. She did fine. The flight crew on Quantas was amazing thought with providing entertainment [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 06:41 PM Flag
I don't doubt that the flight itself can be survived -- it just doesn't seem like much of a vacation for the parents, and the child won't remember it. We took DD to Paris when she was three because we had a wedding there and nobody with whom to leave her -- total waste of money. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 06:56 PM Flag
bring an ipad, probably fine. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 06:40 PM Flag
With one kids it's not too hard. You just have to the jetlag is real for everyone. But as long as you can roll with that, it's totally fine. We had a great time! Once I had my second child we went back and it's a lot harder b/c my kids seemed to have opposite jet lag schedules so someone was up 24 hours a day for a few days after we got home. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 06:42 PM Flag
No, I would not. 2-4 hours is not the same as 14. Plus when you get there, you have to deal with jet lag -- it's a 12 hour time difference. We took our first trip to Asia when our youngest was 5. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 06:42 PM Flag
Yes, my bigger concern is the time change and how flexible your kid is while you’re doing touristy things and they want a playground. The flight is nothing, by comparison. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 06:44 PM Flag
Can you all fly first? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 06:45 PM Flag
Doubtful. Premium economy/business class more likely. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 06:52 PM Flag
i travel with dc a lot and i would not, unless it was to go visit family. the flight will be tough, and dragging a 2 year old sightseeing through Asia sounds awful. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 06:48 PM Flag
Yes this is my feeling as well. We traveled recently and DS did great even with having flight delays and a long layover. Just totally rolled with the punches. I don’t want to press our luck though, lol. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 06:56 PM Flag
I did this to visit family and Wow was it terrible. kid got sick, never adjusted to the time change, I was exhausted and unhappy the whole time. and the flights were nightmares. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 06:55 PM Flag
Business class to Asia is pretty cushy. I suspect the time zone difference will be harder than the flight (which you can time to have dc sleeping for at least half of it - plus unlimited electronics goes a pretty long way). [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 07:10 PM Flag
Return jet lag from Asia is horrible - at least for our family. Did it when our kids were 12, 13. DH and I could barely hold it together, let alone parent a toddler. Have no idea what it would be like with a 2 y.o. BTW, going there, minimal challenge in adjusting, just really the return. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 07:33 PM Flag
Why oh why would you do this to yourself? Asia is REALLY far. And the time change is brutal. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 07:53 PM Flag
Yes. Took 2 yo (and two older siblings) to Japan and we flew coach! We had a blast, they loved the trip, we're planning on going to India next year. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 09:03 PM Flag
But OP doesn't have older kids who would enjoy the trip/. Just the 2 yo. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 09:08 PM Flag
I'd still do it. You'll enjoy the trip. But I'm the "snob" who took my kids to Rwanda so ymmv. I don't enjoy vacations that are about vegging on the beach so that's not what we do. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.04.19, 09:34 PM Flag
You're a unicorn. No one else is doing that. But you do rock. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.05.19, 03:17 AM Flag
You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din. Coach to Asia with three little kids? Ugh can't imagine. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.05.19, 02:46 AM Flag
took DS to japan/singapore when he was 18 months. he was a good sleeper on flights and we sat business class which helped. he had a great time. he did better with the jet lag than we did. my parents traveled extensively internationally when i was a child- i don't remember the early years- but it definitely has had an imnpact on my life- the stories of the travel influenced our family narrative. we did europe, caribbean, this asia trip when had one DC, with 2, we did europe caribbean stopped after had 3rd. did spain last summer- mostly beach and day trips- and doing israel this winter- we will see- DCS are 10,7,4. with 2 yr old, can just put dc in stroller and go. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.05.19, 05:22 PM Flag
my maxim is no spending on travel with kids until they are old enough to remember! But then again, we have a great childcare set-up so we have been able to travel a couple of times a year as a couple (which I recommend as good for your marriage). [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.05.19, 09:17 PM Flag
No; much too young. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 09.05.19, 05:26 PM Flag
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